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Software Solutions to Problems on Heat Transfer

Conduction: Part I

Language :  English
This book contains solutions to problems in the area of Heat Transfer, as per the syllabus of B.E. and M.Tech. courses in Visweswaraya Technological University, Karnataka.
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This book contains solutions to problems in the area of Heat Transfer, as per the syllabus of B.E. and M.Tech. courses in Visweswaraya Technological University, Karnataka (and other Universities as well).

Problems are solved using four popular software, viz. “Mathcad”, “Engineering Equation Solver (EES)” , “Finite Element Heat Transfer (FEHT)” and MS EXCEL-2007. Comments are included generously in the codes so that the logic behind the solution is clear. An introductory chapter gives a brief overview of the softwares used.

Use of computer software helps in solving the problems fast and accurately. More importantly, parameter analysis (what – if analysis) and graphical visualization is done to make an in – depth analysis of the problem. Once a particular type of problem is solved, solving similar problems later becomes extremely easy. In addition, one can plot the data, curve fit, write functions for various properties or calculations and re-use them. These possibilities create interest, curiosity and wonder in the minds of students and enthuse them to know more and work more.

  1. About Mathcad
    1. What is Mathcad?
    2. Symbols in Mathcad worksheet
    3. ‘What – if ’ analysis in Mathcad
    4. Producing the results in tabular form
    5. Graphing in Mathcad
    6. Modifying the graph
    7. Solving equation with one variable (Root finding)
    8. Solving a set of simultaneous equations (both linear and non-linear)
    9. Differentiation in Mathcad
    10. Integration
    11. Assigning a matrix in Mathcad
    12. Programming in Mathcad
  2. About Engineering Equation Solver (EES)
    1. What is EES?
    2. Parametric study in EES
    3. Graphing in EES
  3. About Finite Element Heat Transfer (FEHT)
    1. Using FEHT
  4. About MS EXCEL Spreadsheet
  5. To the Student
    1. 1A Fourier’s Law and Heat conduction equation, multimode heat transfer
    2. 1B One-Dimensional, Steady state heat transfer without heat generation: Thermal resistance concept – PLANE
    3. WALL with constant k and variable k
    4. 1C One-dimensional steady state heat transfer with no internal heat generation
    5. 1D Critical radius problem
About the Author

Dr. M. Thirumaleshwar